
Sun, Sand, and Sales: A Day of Fun for our Horizontal Communities’ In-House Sales Team

April 26, 2023

The sun shone brightly as the Horizontal Communities’ in-house sales recently gathered for the long-awaited team building activity. With the theme “One Team, One Dream,” the event fostered unity, collaboration, and a shared vision among team members. It was a memorable day filled with fun, laughter, and valuable connections.

Fueled with engaging get-to-know activities, the much-anticipated event allowed the team members to deepen their understanding of one another. It was an opportunity for every attendee to truly appreciate each other’s unique strengths and aspirations.

The highlight of the day was the exhilarating “Amazing Race.” The teams thrived on the spirit of healthy competition, pushing each other to new heights of collaboration and determination as they solved puzzles and completing physical challenges. The event ended with smiles on everyone’s faces as they spoke volumes about the success of the day. The in-house sales team had transformed into a unified force, ready to conquer any challenge that lay ahead.

If you are seeking to be part of the dynamic and driven team, join us in this exciting journey and experience the thrill of collaboration, the joy of achieving shared goals, and the satisfaction of personal and professional growth. Contact us at (0917) 147 3136 or email

With “One Team, One Dream,” we believe that together, we can make extraordinary things happen.

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